We are SO thankful for this event put on by Humane Society of Waterville Maine for putting on this incredible workshop event at the Waterville Opera House. The kitten lady put on an amazing event and gave tons of helpful information about fostering and saving kittens. She taught about how to tell the age of kittens and what level of care they need at each stage. It was really helpful to see lots of photos and videos of the work she does and the equipment she uses to support her cause in saving kittens. She talked about how tiny and vulnerable brand new kittens are and how important fosters can be in saving the lives of these babies. She made sure to drive home the fact that people can foster and bring the kittens back to the shelter to be adopted without feeling heartless for not keeping them, she reminded us that the fact a foster provides life-saving support during the critical early stages of their lives means you are giving all the love you know you have, and being able to give it selflessly to the critical kittens means you have a HUGE heart. Do not let the idea that you couldn’t give them back to be adopted stop you, remind yourself that your only giving triage care and they will most certainly get adopted into amazing homes when they are healthy and strong after you help them get to that point. Here at Spirits Place, we try very hard to not have kittens in our shelter as their tiny immune systems are not prepared to deal with some of the risks involved with a regular cat shelter. So the more kitten fosters there are, the higher their chances are of survival. We are so thankful for all the information Hannah shared with everyone and we will certainly work towards sharing this life-saving information with others!