Kids Cat Camp was a huge success! We are so happy to share with you some of the activities and photos from this past week at the cat shelter!
Throughout the week campers got to socialize with other kids that love cats, and share their passions with each other as well. The kids got to create art and dance to cat songs with their friends, both human and feline. Brandy from Balance Yoga and Dance Center taught yoga classes as well as a choreographed dance that they performed for all of the parents on the last day at pick up. The kids made t-shirts with cat designs, names, and paw prints. They took photos with Breezy Photography with their favorite cats and then transferred the photos on to their t-shirts as well as on wood plaques for decoupage art. The kids also washed and painted used tires to be made into cat beds. They painted cat faces on paper and had them displayed in a gallery at the shelter at the end of the week. And they also made paper mache cat masks! The kids also got to sing cat songs and read cat stories.
On top of all of the fun art, dance, and music activities, the kids also got to learn about cats such as how and why they communicate, ways to prevent over population and diseases, and how to be responsible pet owners. The kids took turns feeding cats, cleaning cages, and changing their bedding to learn how to care for cats in the future.
At the end of Kids Cat Camp 2019, we here at Spirits Place, are proud to guide the next generation in responsible cat care one kid at a time, and one lesson at a time. Between education, elevation, and empowerment, we strive to create a better world for cats to live in.
We want to thank every parent who gave us a chance with their child to be the very first group of campers to spend a week with us at Cat Camp. They were under the direct care of a wonderful group of retired teachers who we are so thankful for. We are very grateful to have such a dedicated, diverse group of volunteers that work so well together to move Spirits Place forward. We would like to thank Mary Dube for all the hard work and long hours keeping the shelter clean and the cats well cared for while we put this event on. We also want to thank Linda, Jane, Mary, Brandy and Fran for all of their hard work in making this week possible.